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Patient's Address
The email address entered will receive a copy of this signed request.
Does the patient have a MyChart account?

I hereby request that St Charles Health System (SCHS) amend (please check all boxes that apply):

I understand that St. Charles Health System (SCHS) may deny this request as permitted under Federal law and that I will be informed by SCHS concerning the basis for the denial along with instructions concerning my right to submit a statement disagreeing with such denial. I further understand that SCHS will notify me as of its decision to accept or deny my request within 60 days of receiving this request. If SCHS is unable to comply with my request within this timeframe, I understand that SCHS may extend the applicable deadline for up to an additional 30 days by notifying me in writing.

Do you know of anyone who may have received or relied on the information in question (such as your doctor, pharmacist, health plan or other health care provider)?

Please use your mouse to sign in the grey box below. If on a tablet or smartphone, sign using your finger/stylus.

Please use your mouse to sign in the grey box below. If on a tablet or smartphone, sign using your finger/stylus.

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