
Media Requests

In order to expedite requests for interviews and information, please contact the health system's Public Information Officer on duty at 458-292-7287 or via email at [email protected].

Requests for Patient Information

Guidelines for reporting a story at a St. Charles facility

These standards have been established to protect patients’ privacy and to ensure federal HIPAA law is being followed. Members of the media who wish to conduct interviews/record video/take photos at a hospital, clinic or other St. Charles location (including parking areas at these properties) must be accompanied by a member of the St. Charles communication team. Most often, this will be PIO Alandra Johnson. Members of the media can conduct interviews, take photos or record video from the public sidewalk on the street in front of the facility, so long as patients, visitors and caregivers on the campus are not visible in any shots (this includes individuals in the parking lot, as well as those entering and exiting the facilities). 

HIPAA Waiver