
Just one day old, Gracie Abbott was swaddled and cozy, taking turns snuggling in the arms of her dad, Brennan, and her mom, Teagan, in a private room in the Family Birthing Center at St. Charles Bend. These tender early moments were particularly sweet for the Abbotts, as Gracie came close to spending her first days of life in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. 

When Gracie was born, she had fluid in her lungs, struggled to breathe and her oxygen level was low. But thanks to a newly implemented treatment called Interpulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV), respiratory therapists were able to remove the fluid and Gracie was able to safely stay with her parents. 

“Without that machine Gracie would’ve been in the NICU. It was pretty scary; it felt like we almost lost her,” said Brennan Abbott, a Prineville resident. 

Gracie is one of 116 infants who received IPV therapy since the treatment was implemented at St. Charles in March of 2024. The treatment is now available for infants born in Bend and Madras. Of those 116, 60% (70 infants) were able to stay with their parents and avoided the NICU.

“We see this as a tremendous success,” said St. Charles neonatologist Dr. Sue Ann Smith. “When infants are able to stay with their mothers, there are so many benefits – I call it the ABCs. It helps attachment, breastfeeding and it helps keep costs down for families.” 

It also keeps those NICU beds open for infants who are in greater need. 

How IPV works

Blake Andrews, manager of respiratory therapy at St. Charles, explains that with IPV, a mask is placed on the infant and then a pulsating airflow is pushed into the lungs. These little jets of air help move fluid out of the airways. 

“The small bursts of air get around and behind the fluid trapped in the lungs, forcing those secretions out,” said Andrews. “It’s a pretty short intervention for a pretty big outcome.”

IPV was already used with adult populations, but was rarely used on infants, explained Smith. After attending a training by a NICU doctor from Legacy Salmon Creek hospital, Smith thought it was worth bringing to St. Charles. 

Smith says infants often get fluid in their lungs, as the womb is a fluid-filled environment. This is especially common with babies born via C-section, as the fluid is often pushed out of the lungs in the birth canal. 

“Sometimes babies have trouble making the transition and retain fetal lung fluid or meconium,” said Smith. If a baby is struggling with fluid in the lungs, the first step is to use a CPAP machine, a device that uses mild air pressure and is commonly used to treat sleep apnea. 

“We need to get the air in there to keep the lungs open between breaths,” said Smith.

If after 20 minutes the baby is still in distress, they used to be sent to the NICU, where they receive more intensive care and treatment by specialized caregivers. But now, respiratory therapists can use the IPV treatment. The treatment is used for 10 minutes and then if there’s no positive change, babies are moved to the NICU. 

The therapy is also available at the Family Birthing Center at St. Charles Madras, which allows infants to stay in Madras rather than having to transfer to St. Charles Bend for the NICU. 

“We really want our babies to get to stay with their mothers, so this is really exciting,” said Smith. 

And for the Abbott family, keeping Gracie close by during her first few days of life meant the world. 

“I wouldn’t have wanted to leave her. I’m so glad we got to stay together,” said Teagan Abbott. 

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