
After retiring from an executive job, Andrew and his wife moved to Central Oregon to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle. He has a wide range of interests, including snowboarding, creating handmade knives, fly fishing, bow hunting, pickleball, golf, and cooking. However, while on vacation on the East Coast, he suffered a serious injury while playing pickleball and needed surgery to repair his broken ulna and radius bones.

It was unsettling for him to think he may not be able to have full use of his right arm again. Instead of going to Boston for the procedure, Andrew decided to fly back home immediately with his arm in a cast and make an appointment at The Center. He saw Dr. Healy, who was able to perform surgery the following day. Andrew was impressed with Dr. Healy's expertise and quick action, which helped him get back on the road to recovery.

After the surgery, Andrew diligently followed Dr. Healy's advice and his physical therapist's exercises and stretches to ensure a successful recovery. Today, Andrew is back to enjoying all his favorite activities, thanks to the excellent care he received at The Center.
