St. Charles is a place of healing. Threats, abusive language and violence will not be tolerated.
Patient and caregiver safety are top priorities for St. Charles Health System. Thank you for working with us to provide a healing and respectful environment for all who enter.
For your safety, you may have one or more wristbands indicating patient information, any allergies or other concerns of note.
Preventing Infection
Proper hand hygiene is extremely effective at reducing the number of germs present on the skin and can help prevent infections that are difficult to treat. Everyone caring for you should practice the proper hand hygiene technique. If you see doctors, nurses or other health care providers fail to clean their hands with soap and water or use a waterless alcohol hand rub when entering your room to provide care, it’s OK to ask them to wash their hands.
Preventing Falls
We have a robust fall-prevention program that includes understanding that all patients have the potential to be at high risk for falls. If you are concerned about falling during your stay, please talk with your care provider.
Condition Help
Changes in a hospitalized patient’s condition can occur rapidly and family and visitors may be the first to detect these early changes. Each hospital room is equipped with a phone number that can be used by patients and visitors to call for medical help to respond to a patient’s urgent condition change.