
Joint providerships

The ACCME defines joint providership as the providership of a CME activity by one or more accredited and one or more non-accredited organizations. Joint providership gives accredited organizations the opportunity to collaborate with non-accredited organizations to enhance the diversity and value of their educational offerings. We believe that partnering with patient advocacy groups, medical societies, and professional healthcare associations, and specific healthcare related nonprofits is an effective way to strengthen educational programs and to make them more widely available to providers in the community.

The ACCME expects all CME activities to be in compliance with the ACCME Criteria, the Standards for Commercial Support, and policies. In cases of joint providership, it is the ACCME-accredited provider’s responsibility to be able to demonstrate this compliance to the ACCME.

Please Note: due to CME department capacity and priorities, we are limited to supporting joint providerships that are local (Central Oregon) or in rural areas in Oregon where other accredited providers do not exist.

We welcome proposals for Joint Providerships, and will provide qualified organizations with information and a link to complete a detailed online CME application for a modest fee. Please note that we cannot accredit programs that are already planned or completed.

The CME Committee meets on the fourth Thursday of every odd month, with the exception of holidays, to review, approve or request additional information on each proposed topic.

The St. Charles CME Committee reserves the right to refuse to certify an educational activity if it does not meet ACCME requirements for accreditation. Application fees are non-refundable.

Please Note: Fees are for accreditation review, certification, documentation and oversight only. We do not manage the on-sight logistics of CME activities.

Please email us at [email protected] to set up a consultation and receive the applications and needed forms. 

CME Accreditation Fees

Cost for industry-funded activity or for-profit entityNon-profit rate
Initial CME application$400$150
Activity certification fee$150/hour of CME credit$75/hour of CME credit
Additional certifications
such as AAFP, ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC), or Oregon Board of Pharmacy
Applicants will be invoiced by St. Charles Health System upon approval and completion of their educational activity.

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