
Did you know that St. Charles has a support group for people with new or established ostomies? The St. Charles Ostomy Support Group (OSG) has been providing ostomates with education, peer-to-peer support, community collaboration, and other resources for more than 13 years. This group meets quarterly, and is open to anyone with a colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy or nephrostomy; family members, spouses and caregivers also attend. Information provided at the meeting includes: 

  • educational topics such as peristomal health, travel and recreation tips, and use of products 
  • presentations by ostomy product representatives and supply companies, and 
  • presentations by ostomates sharing their personal experiences. 

There is always ample time at the end of the meeting for members to share their stories and gain insight from other ostomates. 

The St. Charles OSG is now under the umbrella of the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA,, a well-established ostomy organization that provides an amazing amount of support for ostomates, their families and caregivers, and health care professionals. UOAA provides free educational materials (online and print) and information about attending their national conferences. 

If you or someone you know would benefit from this support group, please contact Leah Witmer who will provide you with more information.